
DAQ Synchronization

To connect several TraNET FE, EPC or PPC devices to a large measuring system, the devices must be synchronized with each other. The SLB-8 connects up to 8 TraNET devices. All connected devices run with a sample accurate reference clock. In addition, trigger events are signaled, which means that each measurement input can be used as a trigger source for the remaining inputs on all connected devices.

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SyncLink SLB-8 for DAQ Synchronization

Key Specification

  • TraNET FE 204 - Datenerfassungsinstrument

    TraNET® FE 204

    4 or 8 channel high-speed data acquisition device with Ethernet connection and integrated hard disk.
  • TraNET FE 404 Data Acquisition Instrument

    TraNET® FE 404

    8 to 16 channel high-speed data acquisition device with Ethernet connection and integrated hard disk.
  • TraNET PPC - Data Acquisition-Instrument

    TraNET® PPC

    Compact all-in-one data acquisition instrument for up to 24 channels suitable for laboratory or field use.
  • TraNET EPC - Data Acquisition System

    TraNET® EPC

    4 to 32 channel high speed data acquisition system ideally suited for large data streams.